Jim Bellomo—Photography

Deer at the Beach


Split section shot—that's all I can call this. I was hiking pre-dawn two weeks ago today when I took this. I was pretty much in the middle of nowhere walking by myself on a trail when I stopped to take a photo of three dead trees I had posted last week. All of a sudden I heard a lot of movement in the brush behind me. To be honest it startled and scared me. There are both bears and cougars in this area. But as I turned there were two dear crashing through the brush at full speed. I flipped around and started shooting only to find that my settings on my Nikon were completely wrong. I shoot in manual most of the time, especially early in the morning. And since I had been shooting trees that were standing still I was at a fairly low shutter speed. The two dear were gone and all I had was a blur. But then I heard another one (this one) coming. As I turned to see him I kept shooting and this became an example of panning, a technique where you turn with the subject. That's how I got this guy at a fairly low shutter speed. Sure glad it wasn't a bear.


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